Muscle Growth Livestrong : Bruce Lee's Fight Diet - want to know Bruce Lee's fight diet and health secretsruce Lee is arguably the most famous martial artist and the healthiest man during his timee believed that his diet played a significant role in achieving what he achievedis approaches in exercise and fight diet lead him to close to zero percent body fats a fighter, Bruce Lee followed his diet to improve muscle growth and to maintain energy as he trains everydayhese are Bruce Lee's fight diet rules:Diet Rule #1 He will not eat refined flourhat's why he does not eat baked foods like cakes and biscuitse notion of these foods as empty calories and he believes that these calories must not be consumed if it does not benefit his bodyiet Rule #2 Never eat also much or at the same time little if you want to perform your bestruce Lee believes that starvation drains one's strength, energy, performance and firmness while eating excessive food can affect breathing, lack of vitality, speedoreover, it makes you sleepye only takes food ... [Read More - Muscle Growth Livestrong]
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