The basis of any successful Forex trading program is sound money management and here we will discuss several elements the pros use, to protect equity and build a platform for massive gainsf you look at any successful football team they are built on strong defence, the team knows if they don't let the opposition score, their offence will get the opportunities to win the game and it incredibly is the same in Forexll trading systems have losses and when trading on leverage, you cannot afford to lose also much moneyose 50% of your equity and you'll require to make 100% to just break evenhis may sound Well-known sense but most traders over leverage which leads me to the first main point you need to learnse Sensible Leverage Your broker will give you 200:1 Leverage but this to much for most trading accountsou should use 10 - 20:1 leverage as a maximum amount, otherwise volatility will destroy your accountlace Stops Outside of Random VolatilityThis is a thought that most traders never find out and ... [Read More - Forex Live Trade]

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Here is Crisis Killer / Forex Live Trade
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